Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Manga Review: Onani Master Kurosawa - Volume 1

It has been a long time since I've wanted to review a manga straight after reading it. I just finished volume 1 of Onani Master Kurosawa – a brilliant manga that is considered doujinshi because it is a parody of Death Note. It also helps that the scanlators dubbed this Fap Note, especially since “Onani” means “masturbation”. Now, if all you innocent young readers out there are getting a little shocked, I'll have to remind you that I've reviewed worse things on here, and I probably will review ones even worse than those! But at this point, don't underestimate this manga just because of the title. There is a substance to this that I so deeply adore.

Onani Master Kurosawa is a manga that isn't simply about a guy who likes to masturbate. That is only the general setting for the story. This manga is about a guy with a habit. And then one day he uses that habit to deal out justice. Then he kinda gets caught and is forced to use that habit a little more. And that habit is – yes, you've guessed it. Onani. His “daily duty”, he calls it. See, our leading man, Kurosawa, goes to the girls' bathroom in the old school building every day after school, and masturbates to fantasies of him screwing with the girls in his class. At first you're thinking “Ugh, honestly, where's the substance in this? He's just a horny kid who jacks off in a bathroom stall to images of his female classmates choking on his dong.” Well, honestly, it's more than that. The plot does thicken!

Aaaaand, random art fangirling off-topic starts now! Oh. My. LORD. I love this artwork. This is one of the situations when the artist of the manga is different to the author, and I'm not familiar with this artist. Did my research and figured out that since this is a doujinshi of sorts, this is the only work he has that has been published, but there is more in store for this blooming mangaka. I know I'm definitely going to be keeping an eye on him! This is sketchy and raw with gorgeous pencil lines and a meticulously careless way of shading things. To some extent, it's funny, but I love the way he draws hands. I notice lots of expressions through hands, and more so in this manga. Partially because the artwork is so attractive to me, and partially because this guy is a freaking talented genius. What I mean to say is, I noticed a subtle use of hand gestures here. The way a character might refer to something, an indicator of someone's stance or even force and movement. Aaah, good artwork satisfies me in a way nothing else could at 1AM. Also, might I say this man has a TALENT for drawing expressions. I love it. I must say I laughed when I saw the cover page for this manga. When this artwork is cleaned up and has colour added to it, I'm sorry to say it loses its charm. I can't imagine it being anything other than roughly done in that sketchy, unfinished style. I also hope he can improve on his line finishes when he inks, because the cover looked like it was done by an amateur, which was pretty disappointing after reading an entire volume then going back and looking at the front. Sad, I tell you! But I adore it anyway :)

Right, let's get down to talking about what this manga is actually about! Kurosawa, a boy with distaste for everything. Well, mostly for the people around him, like the annoying, clingy Nagastuka Keiji or the otakus or his teacher even. It's a little bit funny sometimes, because it reminds me of my high school days where I'd stare at everyone around me and go “Why am I surrounded by a bunch of shallow idiots?” - but that's not what this is about. It's about the good, the bad and the ugly of human nature. Now, I know you're sitting there shaking your head at the screen going “How can masturbating tell you about human nature?” Well, shut up and keep reading! That's why you made it this far, right?

There are various social settings that our protagonist partakes in, which are all essentially part of the same collective ruling – the brutalities, inhumanities and stupidities of school life. What perturbs me at times is the fact that these kids are only 14, but you get over it quickly once you become absorbed in the story – which I'm not sure is a good or bad thing. Apart from the fact that Kurosawa masturbates every single day after school, he's quite observant to the different cliques that the students hang out in and the social hierarchy that they've split themselves to – and he chooses to stay out of it. That, I think, is pretty smart, but at the same time it doesn't mean he's ignorant. He notices who has been bullied, who has the unspoken authority, who is downright annoying – all that. The beginning half of the volume is pretty much an introduction to this. You get to know more about Kurosawa's daily habits and you understand the social setting through his eyes. Mostly, this view is disdainful and judgemental, but you start to understand that this isn't just the harrowing monologues of a dark seething pre-teen. I think there's a truth behind it that you don't immediately realize, but it sneaks up on you quite well.

So the story so far seems like two disconnected things: a disgustingly realistic portrayal of school life – and a chronic masturbator. How these things come together (hahahaha, come. I'm so childish!) is from the help of a little mousy (she's described as “squirrel-like” in the manga) girl called Kitahara. She's the main victim of the bullying and after a gut-wrenching scene that will certainly make you want to gag and cry at the same time, Kitahara is filled with frustration and rage. Given the right opportunity, that combination can be quite dangerous. Now hold that thought while I go on to talk about some masturbating, then I can connect these two things together.

Kurosawa is also raging. His rage is due to the fact that everyone knows where the injustice is, but no one will do a thing to correct it. So what does he do? He takes matters (and his man-meat) into his own hands, and masturbates. All over the bullying girls' clothes. Not while they're wearing them, of course, that would be awkward. But through careful deliberation, Kurosawa deals some revenge – and justice – through jerking off. Since this is an entire volume review, I'm not going into detail, so I encourage you to read it and find out exactly what happened and how it all went down. Like some dick-tugging vigilante, Kurosawa anonymously becomes a saviour!

Or so he thinks.

Let's go back to raging, frustrated Kitahara. She's pretty smart and puts things together pretty quickly, so she seeks Kurosawa out and asks him for a favor in return for her silence about his “daily duties”. He got back at two girls, but there's still one that she thinks deserves some pain too. And how does she intend on doing this? By being “the catcher in the toilet” – appointing Kurosawa to do her dirty work for her. (I swear I'm not making all these bad puns on purpose!) The volume ends with Kurosawa accepting this arrangement – because he has no choice, and Kitahara about to state her proposition.

Then it's over. Honestly, you're just salivating for more at this point. And you have to admit, once you get this far, you know the next volume is really going to be worth it. It's right now that you realize that the story has only just begun, and there's so much that could be done with this story. So far, I'm impressed. My only hope is that it doesn't escalate into heights of stupidity, or lose the plot along the way.

Random notes on this volume are Kurosawa's hilarious punchlines at the end of each of his sessions (such as his references to his “man juice”. Is he serious? Haha!) – an obvious play on the style that this was written. This is a story that has its dangerous side while being subtly laced with satirical overtones, and it's then that the parody of Death Note comes out. The comedy in this is in its overplayed seriousness. Kurosawa's serious or malevolent expressions sometimes seem comical because you can connect it to Death Note so well that it makes you laugh. Especially when you realize that he's talking about jerking off. It's classy, smart and funny, in an odd masturbatey way. However, on a more serious note, the connections to Death Note are also in Kurosawa's observations of people, his distaste for them and his inner monologue that basically picks out every human flaw these people carry. It's sad, but true, because sometimes you can't help but agree with him, despite his magnified aversion to social situations. But somehow, you can't help but tie it back to his own habit. It's almost like a paradox, but who's judging who at this point?

Now, I've pretty much devoured my way through this manga, and I think you should too. So stay sharp kidlets, and keep your hands to yourselves! Or don't. Depending on how much you like this manga. I won't judge *wink wink*


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Chapter Review - Cheese in the Trap Ch44

This chapter's gonna be good!

Now that Sul and Jung are back in the game (and by back in the game, I mean talking to each other), the attention is one them once more. Sometimes I wonder why it is they receive so much attention. Is it the fact that Jung is popular or the fact that Sul is not so popular herself? Either way, Jung's cluelessness when it comes to Sul is adorable, and Sul's mini freak-outs are just as cute. So let me just say, it seems they're back to normal. He's unconsciously charming and naïve, and she's gullible and cautious. Interesting couple? I think so! The chapter starts out with them having a similar kind of interaction in class where you realize nothing's changed between these two. They're both just very stupid.

Now, at this point, I think it's cute that they're clueless to one another, but the way people talk about them is starting to get pretty obvious, and they both need to man up and do something about it. So far there's been no defining things to Sul and Jung's “relationship”. Are they friends? Are they more? It's pretty clear on some level that Jung is naively interested in Sul, and Sul is friends with Jung but cautious about it. The only cause of frustration (and awesome!) is the fact that Sul REALLY doesn't think that Jung isn't interested in her. Which makes me giggle. The reason I go on this little rant is because right now, instead of whispering behind their backs, people are starting to actually be forward about it. Classmates are asking Sul what's going on between them and classmates are asking Jung if he and Sul have “that kind of relationship”. Sul is frazzled, as usual, which is adorable. Jung kinda smiles and goes “what do you mean?” The only thing that saves Jung from answering the question properly is Jae Woo getting annoyed with everyone and going “cut the useless bullshit.” And Jung is just sitting there smiling.

Honestly, either he's playing dumb all the time or this kid is really stupid.

I mean, with how cunning and underhanded he can be (as we've seen in the past), has anyone found it strange that Jung is SO naïve when it comes to Sul? This is what I think makes a lot of readers distrust him. But we'll see how the plot thickens!

Now, there's a little explosion between Sang Chul (the little prick) and Jae Woo. I think there must be something personal Jae Woo has against Jung, and it seems to me because he thinks he has undeserved popularity – or that he's overrated. If he had talked more honestly and openly to Sul a year before I have a feeling they would have gotten along quite well. But at this point, it's pretty obvious that bringing up Jung around Jae Woo hits some pretty serious nerves. It wasn't even about Jung directly, but the mere mention of him seems to set Jae Woo off. I can't help thinking it's personal! Or maybe it's just plain old jealousy. Even at this point, Jung is a pretty mysterious character.

Now, The end of the chapter is Bo Ra, Eun Taek and Sul deciding to get something to eat when our lovely man In Ho turns up – just because he can. Oh! And just before I get distracted by the awesomeness that is In Ho and Sul, let me just take a few words to say that I think Min Soo is a creepy obsessive stalker. I'm not going to elaborate on that, but I can bet you this will come up later in the series! Mark my words, you'll remember that sentence. I'll take bets if I have to.

Anyway, back to this dynamic duo of what-the-hell-do-you-want-from-each-other. Honestly, it's obvious In Ho has some hidden agenda, but I don't know if it's Sul's naïve or gullible nature that makes her play along with him. If it were me I'd have either stopped talking to him a long time ago or just drooled over how goodlooking he is and never pay attention to a word he says. But let's see how Sul deals with him! Again, I don't think I can give too much away about their conversations, but it seemed unusually comfortable, for both of them. They still bickered a bit, but it's like they don't mind each other so much. I think it's better for both of them to get better acquainted but still keep their hilariously awesome dynamic. Also the fact that In Ho mentions his hand, he's given something away of himself, as well as revealing this hidden plot about Jung! Sul, being dense, doesn't really take the potentially dangerous side of it and thinks it must be an innocent mistake. At this point, we don't even know. I'm really anxious to find out the full story of In Ho's hand because we still don't fully understand the nature of Jung's character – and I think In Ho is the key to finding out.

The chapter ends with a bit of comic relief with Bo Ra and Eun Taek betting on who Sul will end up with - which is just the way I like them to react. Damn, I actually have no idea at this point! I think that's one of the things that gives me faith in this strip!

Until the next chapter, kidlets! Stay Sharp!


All images (c) Soon Ki. None of these images belong to me.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Chapter Review - Cheese in the Trap Ch43

Now, the new chapter for Cheese in the Trap has come out WAY before I could even write a whole story review! I'm putting this up here for whoever's up to date with it (if any!) but that story review will be up soon, I promise. It's just that this is one of the few strips that I get worked up about – and on top of that, it's released weekly. This means that I only suffer through my entire week 's worth of university work to be able to read these sweet sweet chapters. By the time I get them, I'm salivating. I'm warning you beforehand that I will get extremely excited in these reviews, so I make no apologies for my language or behaviour while writing them, as usual. Oh, and before I forget! These chapter reviews will most definitely contain spoilers, so I do apologize if you read these and go “OH SNAP, I DIDN'T REACH THAT PART YET!”, but don't blame me! You have been warned. Past this point, I'll be talking about all events up to present. I will, however, give you some leeway on the spoilers and as per my usual conduct, I won't give away the ending, or some of the crucial awesome “OH SNAP” moments – because you all know how much I love those.

Just as a quick recap of (very) recent events, the last chapter was Jung running into Joo Yong, which commenced into an awesome but slightly creepy flashback, then Jung making a comment that Joo Yung should sort himself out instead of worrying about superficial things like 'love'. I mean, he practically goes “Are you in a fucking soap? Shouldn't you get your shit together instead?”. This left the chapter at a slightly shocking note because... Well... What the hell is he doing with SUL then? Goddamn hypocrite. Anyway, that's as much detail as I'll go into Chapter 42. If you're curious about it (and I can assure you, the flashback was BRILLIANT), you should check it out!

So, Joo Yong goes on a bit of a rant about how after he left his family's house, we wasn't sure if his lover would still want him (He's quite evasive about the gender here, so I don't think Jung realizes Joo Yong's “lover” is a man. Aaah lovely!), but love prevails all and his lover comes for him! It's quite a sad, pathetic flashback, to be honest. Just 5 panels of Joo Yong bawling his eyes out. Have I mentioned that I hate his character? This slightly fruity, slightly bitchy, weepy gay man with the most annoying ponytail and facial hair EVER. Ugh. I hated that he was in the storyline at all. All he does is whine.

Now, at this point, Joo Yong is gushing about his lover, and keeps insisting that Jung should find someone special too. Jung asks him what this girl is like that he's met. NOW. Here's where it all clicks. If you realize, Jung has some tension with that tutor/assistant tutor guy, who just so happens to be Joo Yong's big hunk of man love. I think this slimy little idiot realized that enough to 1. hide the fact that his lover is someone Jung potentially threatened, and 2. neglect to mention that it's a MAN. Lovely. At this point, I don't know if this is a smart move or not. Joo Yong tries to evade this situation by once again insisting that he should find someone special, bla bla bla. What interests me at this point is Jung's wonderful negligence in taking Sul into consideration AT ALL. Which is kind of confusing because for the longest time (before I saw last chapter's flashback) I had some faith that Jung was actually a decent person who was slightly misunderstood. I still think he is, but maybe he hasn't brought Sul up – or even shown any inkling of considering her – because he's a private person who'd rather keep it to himself. He certainly seemed that way when it came to dealing with In Ho. Oh well! Also, as a slight giggle factor, it seems like Joo Yong is still intimidated by Jung, which I see as a win - mostly because I don't like Joo Yong and he's icky. Yes. I said it.

And speaking of In Ho! Oh man, I love this guy. He's like, the comic relief of the comic relief. I used to think Sul was the comic relief because she's a little bit gullible and a little bit clueless, but someone with good intentions all around. But in social situations, man she's funny. However! In Ho is comical in his manic approach to things, his determination to screw Jung up, and his strange quasi-interest in Sul. I don't know if he's fascinated by her, but it sure seems like it sometimes. Now, put those two together, and you've got some BRILLIANT dialogue. Best interaction ever! I might actually leave this bit out in the review for you to read and enjoy, because In Ho's reactions are beautiful. This gist of it is that he's surprised that Jung gave Sul an edge in to apologize, when he was wishing with his sweet little demented heart that she would screw it up. He also still seems to think they're dating, because he's all “lol lol lol Jung's girl is such a difficult bitch” and you're all “you have NO clue what's going on, do you?”. Also, the way Sul just happily chucks the batteries out of her phone and goes to sleep made me laugh so hard. I don't know why she couldn't just put it on silent, but this way works better for the strip. I know there's a reason she's the protagonist!

Now, it goes back to Joo Yong and Jung, and I'm going to skim this very quickly in the review because there are other things to talk about and I'm reaching my limit on how much I can gush about one chapter. Also, I don't like Joo Yong and I think he's icky. Yes. I said it again. Read the chapter if you want to pay more attention to it!

Joo Yong freaks out when his lover calls him because Jung wants to answer the phone for him. He's all “Uhhh no! My “girlfriend” and I are fighting, I'm ignoring her on purpose. You go on home, I'll eat this food. Oh, and yeah. Give me some money, bitch.” So Jung goes “What a freaking weirdo”, gives his phone back, pays for the meal and leaves some extra money for Joo Yong as well – which Joo Yong uses to get smashed. At this point, his lover comes in and goes “Why the hell are you smashed? (to which Joo Yong doesn't reply because he's off his face and out cold) Lady! (to the woman that works at the restaurant), why did you let him get smashed? How did he get smashed? How much do I owe you for him getting smashed?” The patron then informs him that he doesn't owe anything because he came in with a younger, more goodlooking man who paid for everything, and they seemed quite close. Lover Boy then proceeds to freak the hell out.

Now, the last bit of the chapter is a little segment between Ah Young and Sang Chul. Sang Chul is another character I don't like because of his raging immaturity and how he always seems to be hyper. He runs into Ah Young and is still fangirling over her. He tries to get her attention by gossiping with her about Jung and Sul, claiming that they had a fight and there are huge rumours that they're going out (which is exactly what's happening. They did fight, and there are rumours that they're dating – even if they're not). Honestly, he clearly doesn't care at all about what's going on with them. He just wants Ah Young to go out with him so he's using this as an excuse. She doesn't fall for it and drops some serious Girl-Power-One-Love-Power-To-The-People shit on him (not that dramatic, but, you know. Basically, she doesn't fall for it, which I think is brilliant. I found Ah Young to be a little bit of an irrelevant character at one point, but now I've got to admire her spirit and her no bullshit policy.

At any rate, this was an interesting chapter. It ended with Sang Chul bringing out his maturity and having a fit in class, then Sul walking into class. I don't know if it's the same class, but I've been waiting for the chapters to go back to our lovely leading lady! There wasn't much for me to actually criticize or analyze in this chapter, no cliffhangers or gut-wrenching flashbacks like the last one, but it was good to go through this anyway. Since the artist and author, Soon Ki, has already had copyright issues with the strip, I'm a bit apprehensive about posting up pictures, but so long as you all know where it came from, I think we'll be fine!

Stay sharp kidlets! Until next week!


All images (c) Soon Ki. None of these images belong to me.